Topic outline

  • Module I: Introduction to Political Geography (राजकीय भूगोलाचा परिचय )

    1.1 Definition of Political Geography
    1.2 Nature and Scope of Political Geography 
    1.3 Approaches of Political Geography 
    1.4 Significance of Political Geography
    1.1 राजकीय भूगोलाची व्याख्या 
    1.2 राजकीय भूगोलाचे स्वरूप व व्याप्ती
    1.3 राजकीय भूगोलाचा दृष्टीकोण
    1.4 राजकीय भूगोलाचे फायदे

  • Module II: Concepts in Political Geography( राजकीय भूगोल मधील संकल्पना)

    2.1 State 
    2.2 Nation 
    2.3 Boundary 
    2.4 Frontier
    2.1 राज्य 
    2.2 राष्ट्र
    2.3 सीमा
    2.4 सीमाप्रदेश

  • Module III: Theories in Political Geography ( राजकीय भूगोल मधील सिद्धांत)

    3.1 Hartland Theory - Halford J. Mackinder 
    3.2 Rimland Theory – Nicholas J. Spykeman

    3.1 मर्मभूमी किंवा हृदयस्थल सिद्धांत: हॉलफोर्ड जॉन मॅकिंडर 
    3.2 कडा भूमी सिद्धांत: निकोलस जॉन स्पाइकमन

  • Module IV: Resource Disputes and Conflicts(संसाधन विवाद आणि संघर्ष )

    4.1 Krishna Water Dispute 
    4.2 Ganga Water Dispute 
    4.3 Sardar Sarovar Project: Issues of Relief, Compensation and Rehabilitation 
    4.4 Chandoli Dam Project: Issues of Relief, Compensation and Rehabilitation

    4.1 कृष्णा पाणी विवाद 
    4.2 गंगा जल विवाद 
    4.3.सरदार सरोवर प्रकल्प: मदत, भरपाई व पुनर्वसन 
    4.4 चांदोली धरण प्रकल्प: मदत, भरपाई व पुनर्वसन

  • Objectives Sem-VI Paper -XII Political Geography

  • Reading List

    1. Adhikari, S. (1997) : Political Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur. 
    2. Dikshit, R. D. (1985) : Political Geography, A Contemporary Perspective, McGraw Hill, New Delhi 
    3. Dwivedi, R. L. (1996):Political Geography, ChaitanyaPrakashan, Allahabad. 
    4. Muir, Richand (1995): Modern Political Geography, Macmillan, London.
    5. Pounds, N. J. G. (1972): Political Geography 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill, N. Y. 
    6. Sharma, T. C. : Political Geography. 
    7. Agnew J., 2002: Making Political Geography, Arnold. 
    8. Agnew J., Mitchell K. and Toal G., 2003: A Companion to Political Geography, Blackwell. 
    9. Cox K. R., Low M. and Robinson J., 2008: The Sage Handbook of Political Geography, Sage Publications. 
    10. Cox K., 2002: Political Geography: Territory, State and Society, Wiley-Blackwell 
    11. Gallaher C., et al, 2009: Key Concepts in Political Geography, Sage Publications. 
    12. Glassner M., 1993: Political Geography, Wiley. 
    13. Jones M., 2004: An Introduction to Political Geography: Space, Place and Politics, Routledg. 
    14. Mathur H M and M M Cernea (eds.) Development, Displacement and Resettlement – Focus on Asian Experience, Vikas, Delhi 
    15. Painter J. and Jeffrey A., 2009: Political Geography, Sage Publications. 
    16. Taylor P. and Flint C., 2000: Political Geography, Pearson Education. 
    17. Verma M K (2004): Development, Displacement and Resettlement, Rawat Publications, Delhi 
    18. Hodder Dick, Sarah J Llyod and Keith S McLachlan (1998), Land Locked States of Africa and Asia (vo.2), Frank Cass