Paper XII
Topic outline
1.1 Definition of Political Geography1.2 Nature and Scope of Political Geography
1.3 Approaches of Political Geography
1.4 Significance of Political Geography
1.1 राजकीय भूगोलाची व्याख्या
1.2 राजकीय भूगोलाचे स्वरूप व व्याप्ती
1.3 राजकीय भूगोलाचा दृष्टीकोण
1.4 राजकीय भूगोलाचे फायदे -
2.1 State
2.2 Nation
2.3 Boundary
2.4 Frontier
2.1 राज्य
2.2 राष्ट्र
2.3 सीमा
2.4 सीमाप्रदेश -
3.1 Hartland Theory - Halford J. Mackinder
3.2 Rimland Theory – Nicholas J. Spykeman
3.1 मर्मभूमी किंवा हृदयस्थल सिद्धांत: हॉलफोर्ड जॉन मॅकिंडर
3.2 कडा भूमी सिद्धांत: निकोलस जॉन स्पाइकमन -
4.1 Krishna Water Dispute
4.2 Ganga Water Dispute
4.3 Sardar Sarovar Project: Issues of Relief, Compensation and Rehabilitation
4.4 Chandoli Dam Project: Issues of Relief, Compensation and Rehabilitation
4.1 कृष्णा पाणी विवाद
4.2 गंगा जल विवाद
4.3.सरदार सरोवर प्रकल्प: मदत, भरपाई व पुनर्वसन
4.4 चांदोली धरण प्रकल्प: मदत, भरपाई व पुनर्वसन -
1. Adhikari, S. (1997) : Political Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
2. Dikshit, R. D. (1985) : Political Geography, A Contemporary Perspective, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Dwivedi, R. L. (1996):Political Geography, ChaitanyaPrakashan, Allahabad.
4. Muir, Richand (1995): Modern Political Geography, Macmillan, London.
5. Pounds, N. J. G. (1972): Political Geography 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill, N. Y.
6. Sharma, T. C. : Political Geography.
7. Agnew J., 2002: Making Political Geography, Arnold.
8. Agnew J., Mitchell K. and Toal G., 2003: A Companion to Political Geography, Blackwell.
9. Cox K. R., Low M. and Robinson J., 2008: The Sage Handbook of Political Geography, Sage Publications.
10. Cox K., 2002: Political Geography: Territory, State and Society, Wiley-Blackwell
11. Gallaher C., et al, 2009: Key Concepts in Political Geography, Sage Publications.
12. Glassner M., 1993: Political Geography, Wiley.
13. Jones M., 2004: An Introduction to Political Geography: Space, Place and Politics, Routledg.
14. Mathur H M and M M Cernea (eds.) Development, Displacement and Resettlement – Focus on Asian Experience, Vikas, Delhi
15. Painter J. and Jeffrey A., 2009: Political Geography, Sage Publications.
16. Taylor P. and Flint C., 2000: Political Geography, Pearson Education.
17. Verma M K (2004): Development, Displacement and Resettlement, Rawat Publications, Delhi
18. Hodder Dick, Sarah J Llyod and Keith S McLachlan (1998), Land Locked States of Africa and Asia (vo.2), Frank Cass