Topic outline

  • Module-I: Introduction to Urban Geography

    1.1 Urban Geography: Meaning and Definitions

    1.2 Nature and Scope of Urban Geography

    1.3 Approaches of Urban Geography

    1.4 Significance of Urban Geography

  • Module-II: Urbanization

    2.1 Site and Situation: Significance and Types

    2.2 Concept and Factors of Urbanization

    2.3 Patterns of Urbanization in developed and developing countries

    2.4 Functional classification of cities (Quantitative and Qualitative)

  • Module-III: 3 Structure and Morphology of Urban Centers

    3.1 Structure and Morphology

    3.2 City Region and C.B.D.

    3.3 Rural-Urban Fringe

    3.4 Models of Town Morphology: The Concentric Zone Theory, the Sector

    Theory and the Multi-Nuclei Theory

  • Module-IV: Urban Problems and Issues

    4.1 Urban Issues: problems of housing, slums, civic amenities (water and


    4.2 Concept of Garden

    4.3 Urban Planning in India

    4.4 Case studies of

    Urban Issues