Paper XI नागरी भूगोल
Topic outline
1.1 Urban Geography: Meaning and Definitions
1.2 Nature and Scope of Urban Geography
1.3 Approaches of Urban Geography
1.4 Significance of Urban Geography
2.1 Site and Situation: Significance and Types
2.2 Concept and Factors of Urbanization
2.3 Patterns of Urbanization in developed and developing countries
2.4 Functional classification of cities (Quantitative and Qualitative)
3.1 Structure and Morphology
3.2 City Region and C.B.D.
3.3 Rural-Urban Fringe
3.4 Models of Town Morphology: The Concentric Zone Theory, the Sector
Theory and the Multi-Nuclei Theory
4.1 Urban Issues: problems of housing, slums, civic amenities (water and
4.2 Concept of Garden
4.3 Urban Planning in India
4.4 Case studies of
Urban Issues