Geography Paper VI
Topic outline
2.1 Major Agricultural Systems: Nomadic Herding, Livestock Ranching, Sifting Cultivation, Intensive Subsistence Farming, Commercial Farming and Horticulture
2.2 Von Thunen’s Theory of Agricultural land-use
2.1 कृषी पद्धती / प्रकार
2.2 व्हाॅन थुनेन कृषीभूमी उपयोजन सिद्धांत
3.1 Methods of Agricultural Regionalization: Crop Combination and Crop Diversification
3.2 Agricultural Problems: Physical and Non-Physical (Economic, Social, Cultural, Political and Administrative)
3.3 Modern Concepts in Agriculture Green Revolution and Organic Farming
3) कृषी प्रादेशिकीकरण समस्या व आधुनिक संकल्पना
3.1) कृषी प्रादेशिकीकरण पीक संयोग/ पीक संगती/ पिकांचे सहचार्य/पीक विविधता
3.2) कृषीच्या समस्या प्राकृतिक/ आर्थिक /सामाजिक/ सांस्कृतिक/ राजकीय/ आणि शासकीय धोरण
3.3 शेतीची आधुनिक संकल्पना हरितक्रांती आणि सेंद्रिय शेती.
4) Food , Nutrition and Health
4.1 Distribution pattern of Food and Nutrition
4.2 Causes and Spatial Pattern of Hunger
4.3 Eradication of Hunger
4.4 Nutrition and Health
4) आहार /पोषण व आरोग्य
4.1) अन्न आणि पोषण वितरणाचा आकृतीबंध
4.2) उपासमारीची कारणे आणि काळानुसारआकृतीबंध
4.3) भूक निर्मूलन
4.4) पोषण आणि आरोग्य
5.1 Line and Bar Graphs
5.2 Divided Circle
5.3 Proportional Square
5.4 Choropleth Map
५) प्रात्यक्षिक
५.१ प्रात्यक्षिक आणि स्तंभालेख
५.२) विभाजित वर्तुळ.
५.३) प्रमाणबद्ध चौरस
५.४) छाया पद्धतीचा नकाशा.
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2. Berry, B.J.L. et. al. : The Geography of Economic Systems. Prentice Hall, New York, 1976 3. Brown, L.R. : The Changing World Food Prospects – The Nineties and Beyond. World Watch Institute, Washington D.C., 1990
4. Cantor L.M. : A World Geography of Irrigation. Oliver and Bord, London, 1967.
5. Desai G.N. and Vaidhanathan A : Strategic Issues in Future Growth of Fertilizer Use in India. McMillan Pub., New Delhi, 1998.
6.Gregor, H.P. : Geography of Agriculture. Prentice Hall, New York, 1970
7. Grigg D.B. : The Agricultural Systems of the World. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1974.
8. Morgan W.B. and Norton, R.J.C. : Agricultural Geography. Mathuen, London, 1971.
9. Nelson, Paul : Greenhouse Operation and Management. Reston Publishing, Virginia, 1985.
10. Sarkar, A.K. : Practical Geography : A Systematic Approach. Oriental Longman, Calcutta, 1997.
11. Sauer, C.O. : Agricultural Origins and Disparities. M.I.T. Press, Mass, U.S.A., 1969.
12. Singh, J and Dhillon, S.S. : Agricultural Geography. Tata McGraw Hill Pub., New Delhi, 1988.